Inflammatory cardiac valvulitis in TAX1BP1-deficient mice through selective NF-κB activation

Nuclear factor kappa B (NF‐κB) is a key mediator of inflammation. Unchecked NF‐κB signalling can engender autoimmune pathologies and cancers. Here, we show that Tax1‐binding protein 1 (TAX1BP1) is a negative regulator of TNF‐α‐ and IL‐1β‐induced NF‐κB activation and that binding to mono‐ and polyubiquitin by a ubiquitin‐binding Zn finger domain in TAX1BP1 is needed for TRAF6 association and NF‐κB inhibition. Mice genetically knocked out for TAX1BP1 are born normal, but develop age‐dependent inflammatory cardiac valvulitis, die prematurely, and are hypersensitive to low doses of TNF‐α and IL‐1β. TAX1BP1−/− cells are more highly activated for NF‐κB than control cells when stimulated with TNF‐α or IL‐1β. Mechanistically, TAX1BP1 acts in NF‐κB signalling as an essential adaptor between A20 and its targets.