Sporozoites of E. vermiformis from the mouse were 1st seen in the epithelial cells of villus tips and the crypts of Lieberkuehn 4 h after inoculation (HAI). They were always within a parasitophorous vacuole. By 12 HAI, most were in crypt epithelial cells between the basement membrane and host cell nucleus. The sporozoites in the villus tips had 26 subpellicular microtubules, 2 polar rings, 2 preconoidal rings, 2 refractile bodies surrounded by amylopectin-like granules, a lamellar Golgi apparatus, numerous micronemes and rhoptries. The sporozoites in the crypt cells had fewer amylopectin-like granules, micronemes and rhoptries. A nucleolus was visible, as were pieces broken off from the posterior refractile body. Later, the sporozoites folded over to become U-shaped; the infolded membranes fused; and then the inner membranes disappeared so that spherical meronts were formed. Folding sporozoites were 1st seen 16 HAI and persisted until 52 HAI.