O+2 ions dissociation studied by threshold photoelectron–photoion coincidence method

The threshold photoelectron–photoion coincidence method was used to study O+2 dissociation. Previous results were confirmed and a careful analysis of the time of flight peak shapes using a Monte Carlo simulation gave us new results. The lifetime of the B 2Σg state was measured to be 70∓25 ns independently of the vibrational quantum number. The III 2u state which dissociates towards the O+(2D0)+O(3P) and O+(2P0)+O(3P) limits shows anisotropic distribution of fragment ions. The c 4Σu(v=0) state which was previously observed to dissociate into O+(4S0)+O(1D), its adiabatic limit, is seen to predissociate also about 40% towards the ground state limit.

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