We show the existence of renormalization-group equations that completely determine the infrared structure of near-mass-shell quantum-chromodynamics Green's functions. The formal solutions of these equations are governed completely by the behavior of the long-distance invariant charge g(k2). In the quark-gluon sector, the existence of these equations depends on choosing the particular near-mass-shell renormalization scheme where gluon and fermion momenta q and p are respectively subtracted at the "equal-rate-on-shell" point q2 = λ2, γ·pm = λ, where m is the physical quark mass. The function that describes the evolution of g(k2), βIR(g(k2)) = limk20k2(k2)g(k2), is determined from the infrared structure of the gluon-quark sector alone, and it is shown to equal, explicitly at the one-loop level, βYM(g(k2)), the corresponding function of a pure Yang-Mills theory. We have computed explicitly, up to the two-loop level, the near-mass-shell behavior of the color-singlet form factor. Reorganizing all contributions as suggested by our renormalization-group results, we find that, in the Landau gauge, they sum up to the simple form exp[B1(p;p;g2(k2))], where B1(p;p;g2(k2)) is the one-loop contribution calculated by replacing the bare vertex (igλ) by the invariant charge [ig(k)]; where k is the internal soft-gluon momentum. This result is valid to all orders in a near-mass-shell leading-log approximation. The connection of our work with the issue of infrared-driven quark confinement is briefly discussed.