The component triacylglycerols of avocado fruit‐coat

The component triacylglycerols of avocado fruit‐coat fat have been determined by thin layer argentation chromatography and by pancreatic lipolysis. The fat was found to contain a total of 33 triacylglycerols (10 major and 23 minor) belonging to triunsaturated (43.0%), diunsaturated‐monosaturated (44.1%), disaturated‐monounsaturated (12.4%) and trisaturated (0.5%) types of acylglycerols. The results of the distribution of individual fatty acids show a 1,3‐random‐2‐random distribution pattern. Among the unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid was esterified at the 2 position with greater preference than either oleic or palmitoleic acid.