Self-phase modulation-based integrated optical regeneration in chalcogenide waveguides

We demonstrate integrated all-optical 2R regenerators based on Kerr optical nonlinearities (subpicosecond response) in chalcogenide glass waveguides with integrated Bragg grating filters. By combining a low loss As/sub 2/S/sub 3/ rib waveguide with an in-waveguide photo-written Bragg grating filter, we realize an integrated all-optical 2R signal regenerator with the potential to process bit rates in excess of 1 Tb/s. The device operates using a combination of self phase modulation induced spectral broadening followed by a linear filter offset from the input center wavelength. A nonlinear power transfer curve is demonstrated using 1.4 ps pulses, sufficient for suppressing noise in an amplified transmission link. We investigate the role of dispersion on the device transfer characteristics, and discuss future avenues to realizing a device capable of operation at subwatt peak power levels.