High index contrast waveguides in chalcogenide glass and polymer

We review various properties of chalcogenide glasses that make them promising materials for passive and active microphotonics. We then describe two processes for channel waveguide fabrication, using the chalcogenide glass As/sub 2/Se/sub 3/ as a core material and compatible polymers as claddings. In the first approach, waveguides are patterned directly in the chalcogenide film by photoexposure through a mask followed by selective wet etching. This technique has produced shallow rib waveguides with losses as low as 0.26 dB/cm and small modal area photonic wire waveguides with losses on the order of 10 dB/cm. In the second approach, waveguide patterning is achieved by using an organic photoresist as a mask for selective photodoping of silver into the chalcogenide glass. Selective wet etching produced strip waveguides with smooth and highly vertical sidewalls. We report preliminary light guiding results for these latter structures.