Sulla presenza nell'Italia meridionale di alcune alghe marine bentoniche rare per il Mediterraneo

On the occurrence in Southern Italy of some benthic marine algae rare to the Mediterranean Sea. - The Authors report the occurrence along the coast of Southern Italy of the following species that resulted rare to the Mediterranean Sea: Antithamnion piliferum Cormaci et Furnari; Bonnemaisonia asparagoides (Woodward) C. Agardh (tetrasporophyte); Corynophlaea flaccida Kuetzing; Fosliella farinosa (Lamouroux) Howe: of this very common species, the occurrence of thalli with propagules is reported; Hypnea cervicornis J. Agardh; Jania adherens Lamouroux, new to Italy; Mesogloia lanosa P.L. et H.M. Crouan, new to Italy; Pneophyllum confervicolum (Kuetzing) Chamberlain f. minutulum (Foslie) Chamberlain, new to the Mediterranean Sea; Polystrata fosliei (Weber van Bosse) Denizot, new to Italy; Rhodymenia delicatula Dangeard; Spermothamnion johannis G. Feldmann-Mazoyer: of this common species, the occurrence of bisporocysts in monoic gametophytes is reported; Vickersia baccata (J. Agardh) Karsakoff.