Three-dimensional transcranial Doppler blood flow mapping in patients with cerebrovascular disorders.

We investigated 60 patients with cerebrovascular disorders using a three-dimensional transcranial Doppler blood flow mapping system. A composite display of the circle of Willis is created with computer assistance, allowing accurate vessel identification and optimal data documentation of blood flow velocity and direction in the basal cerebral arteries. The basilar artery was insonated in every patient; the middle cerebral artery and the most distal internal carotid artery were found in 95% of the patients, the anterior cerebral artery in 85%, and the posterior cerebral artery in 84%. Insonation problems occurred predominantly in elderly women. Transcranial Doppler blood flow mapping showed an abnormal result in 23 of 60 patients (38%). An intracranial stenosis with greater than 50% diameter reduction or occlusion was found in 10 of 31 patients (32%) with completed stroke, reversible ischemic neurologic deficit, or transient ischemic attack. Collateral blood flow mechanisms could be demonstrated in patients with extracranial carotid artery occlusions. Intra-arterial cerebral angiography performed in 21 patients confirmed the transcranial Doppler blood flow mapping diagnosis in 19 (90.5%). In one patient an arteriovenous malformation diagnosed by transcranial Doppler blood flow mapping was confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging.