Proton-deuteron elastic scattering at 800 MeV

Differential cross sections and polarization analyzing powers for proton-deuteron elastic scattering have been measured at 800 MeV incident proton kinetic energy over the range of center-of-mass angles from 14.1° to 153.6°. The differential cross sections are described by the Glauber theory of impulse approximation at forward angles (t<0.5) and exhibit the exponential dependence on cosθc.m. typical for these energies at backward angles (cosθc.m.<0.5). The analyzing power shows considerable structure with strong positive peaks at forward and backward angles and a sharp dip at t=0.4 typical at intermediate energies. There is no evidence for correspondence of the angular dependence of the analyzing power with that for the ppdπ+ reaction. At large momentum transfer the data favor calculations based on multiple scattering with a modified deuteron form factor rather than N* exchange.