Elevated Levels and Different Repertoire Profile of Colostral Anti‐LPS Antibodies May Have a Significant Role in Compensating Newborn Immunity

A high prevalence of systemic infections caused by enterobacteria such as Escherichia coli is observed during the neonatal period. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is one of the major factors responsible for septic shock caused by these Gram-negative bacteria. We have recently demonstrated the presence of anti-LPS immunoglobulin (Ig)G antibodies in cord blood with a repertoire identical to that found in maternal serum. In the present study, we analyzed anti-LPS O111 antibody isotypes in maternal serum and colostrum from mothers and in cord serum from their respective full-term (n = 30) and preterm (n = 13) neonate infants. The main isotype found in serum samples from mothers of term infants was IgM (range between 28 and 54 mg/l), followed by IgA (1-2 mg/l) and IgG (2-3 mg/l). The range of IgG antibody concentrations in cord blood was between 2 and 3 mg/l, as a result of placental transfer. A novel observation in our study was that the LPS bands recognized by colostral antibodies were completely different from those recognized by IgG in serum. Colostral IgA antibodies recognized several bands not bound by serum IgG antibodies from the respective maternal serum, independently of the antibody quantity. In addition, we verified the pattern of LPS recognition by serum IgA and colostral IgA antibodies was identical, what suggested that the antibody isotype found in serum could probably be derived from differentiated IgA-positive cells which were homing to the mucosa through the mucosal homing mechanism. Identical pattern of recognition was obtained comparing the IgA and IgM isotypes in colostrum. Slight differences in the pattern of recognition were found between colostral and serum IgM antibodies. The fact that colostral antibodies recognize much more bands than serum antibodies may be important for the host to mount an effective immune response in the intestinal lumen, in order to prevent excessive absorption of LPS, reducing possible systemic effects caused by the molecule.