Female Sexual Response and the Timing of Partner Orgasm

Although orgasm can be experienced in many ways with or without a partner, partner involvement continues to be a noted preference for many women. In order to examine the timing of partner orgasm in relationship to female sexual response, women who usually experience orgasm before, simultaneously, or after their male partner's first orgasm were examined in the context of their orgasmic behaviors, role of their partners in sexual interaction, and their level of sexual satisfaction. A survey research design, which utilized the responses of 709 adult women, indicated that those women who usually experienced orgasm after their male partners perceived less physiological and psychological sexual satisfaction. Furthermore, several other significant results were found regarding timing of partner orgasm. With the failure to reach orgasm through sexual intercourse being reported by women as a common sexual complaint, sex educators and therapists can use these findings to facilitate an increased awareness of timing factors influencing satisfying sexual relationships.