Heat-capacity analysis of a large number ofA15-type compounds

We analyze the low- and medium-temperature specific heat of 25 samples based on eleven A15 binary compounds, with Tc's ranging from less than 0.015 to 18 K. Experimentally determined "moments" of the phonon spectra (ω¯,ω¯2,ωlog) are included in the analysis. Values are tabulated for T¯c, α¯2, η, I2, Nbs(EF), Mω¯22, Hc(0), and 2Δ(0)kBTc. We note the following: (i) The Debye temperature is generally a bad estimate of ωlog. (ii) λ is governed mainly by the "electronic parameter" η; λ=0.175η(eV/Å2)±0.2 for all A15 compounds studied. (iii) η is proportional to the density of states at the Fermi level and this density of states agrees well with band-structure calculations of Jarlborg in Nb-based compounds. In V-based compounds, the observed bad correlation may reflect the presence of spin fluctuations. (iv) The values for the reduced gap 2Δ(0)kBTc range from 3.4 to 4.9 and they are correlated with Tcωlog.