Problems before Induction of Anaesthesia: An Analysis of 2000 Incident Reports

The first 2000 incidents reported to the Australian Incident Monitoring study (AIMS) were examined to identify those incidents which occurred preoperatively (defined as occurring prior to the commencement of general or regional anaesthesia). The 35 incidents, representing 1.7% of the total, which occurred in this time period were analysed with a view to identifying areas in which current practice could be improved. Almost all incidents led to significant delays in operating lists, and 9 resulted in cancellation of surgery. A number of areas of concern specific to the preoperative period were identified. Inadequate coordination between surgical and anaesthetic staff in patient preparation was a frequent cause of preoperative incidents. Improvement in this area may reduce surgical delays and patient morbidity. Problems with premedication drugs resulted in 8 of the 35 incidents, and care must be taken in the prescription and administration of these drugs to minimise adverse effects on patients. Only 2 cases of incorrect patient identification were reported. However, in view of its disastrous consequences, vigilance in patient identification by all members of the operating team, including the anaesthetist, is essential.