In comparative anatomical studies of the shoulder, the humeral retractors are often grouped together as propulsive muscles, which are important in the propulsive stroke of the forelimb during quadrupedal locomotion. Electromyographic (EMG) analyses of these muscles in opossums, cats, and dogs in general have confirmed such conclusions. An EMG study of chimpanzee shoulder muscles during knuckle-walking found, however, that the humeral retractors are either inactive or perform a function unrelated to propulsion (Larson & Stern, 1987). This contrast in muscle recruitment patterns between chimpanzees and more “typical” mammalian quadrupeds was attributed to the derived morphology of the chimpanzee shoulder. The present study examines the activity patterns of the humeral retractors in the vervet monkey, a primate more closely resembling nonprimate mammals in its shoulder morphology. The results of this EMG analysis show that despite the significant differences in anatomy between chimpanzees and vervets, the two species display very similar muscle recruitment patterns during quadrupedalism, and there is evidence for this same pattern in other species of primates. These differences in muscle activity patterns between primates and nonprimate mammals may be related to changes in the neurological control of locomotion in primates due to the evolutionary development of manipulative abilities in the primate forelimb.