A numerical comparison of velocity-based and strain-based Lagrangian-history turbulence approximations

The abridged Langrangian-history direct-interaction (ALHDI) approximation (Kraichnan 1966) and the strain-based abridged Lagrangian-history direct-interaction (SBALHDI) approximation (Kraichnan & Herring 1978) are integrated numerically for isotropic turbulence in two and three dimensions and compared with data. At moderate Reynolds numbers in three dimensions, comparison with the computer simulations by Orszag & Patterson (1972) shows that the ALHDI gives numerically excessive energy transfer in the dissipation range while the SBALHDI approximation displays satisfactory accuracy in all ranges. In two dimensions, both approximations are in reasonable agreement with the simulations of Herring et al. (1974), the ALHDI approximation showing the better accuracy of the two at low wavenumbers. At high wavenumbers the SBALHDI approximation again transfers less energy than the ALHDI approximation but the effect is less marked than in three dimensions and the two curves straddle the data. High Reynolds number integrations of both approximations in three dimensions agree well with the tidal-channel inertial- and dissipationrange data of Grant, Stewart & Moilliet (1962), the SBALHDI approximation yielding a somewhat larger value of Kolmogorov's constant than the ALHDI approximation. The origin of the difference in straining efficiency between the two approximations at high wavenumbers and of the dependence of this difference on dimensionality is exhibited by application to the stretching of small scales of a convected passive scalar field. In three dimensions the SBALHDI approximation gives markedly larger values of the constant in Batchelor's (1959) k−1 spectrum range than the ALHDI approximation and is in better agreement with experiment. The SBALHDI values of Batchelor's constant satisfy Gibson's (1968) lower bound while the ALHDI values do not.