Decays of the Even-Even Lead Isomers:Pb202mandPb204m

The decays of the 9 isomers, Pb202m and Pb204m, have been investigated using Ge(Li) detectors in a variety of singles and coincidence configurations. Improved conversion coefficients were obtained for two of the transitions following the decay of Pb204m, but no new, weak transitions were seen. Considerable improvement and enlargement of the Pb202m decay scheme was possible. We have been able to make unambiguous multipolarity assignments for 15 of the 18 transitions following its decay and to place all 18 in a consistent decay scheme. States in Pb202 were established (following the 90.5% isomeric-transition decay) at 0 (Jπ=0+), 960.70 (2+), and 1382.82 (4+), 1623.1 (4+), 1915.2 (4+), 2040.3 (5), and 2169.8 keV (9). Those in Tl202 (following the 9.5% electron-capture decay) lie at 0 (2), 490.47 (4), 950.19 (7+), 1098.7 (6+, 7+, 8+), 1340.1 (8+), 1552.1 (8+ [9+]), and 1675.6 keV (9+, 8+). Interpretation is made concerning the nature of the states in Pb202 and even-even Pb isotopes and also in Tl202 and odd-odd Tl isotopes on the basis of the simple shell-model plus pairing forces.