Oligoclonal T cell receptor gene rearrangements in blood lymphocytes of patients with acute Epstein-Barr virus-induced infectious mononucleosis.

Gene rearrangement studies were performed on blood lymphocytes from eight patients with acute Epstein-Barr virus-induced infectious mononucleosis. The diagnosis in each case was based on characteristic clinical, hematologic, and serologic findings. The blood lymphocytes in each patient consisted predominantly of CD8+ T cells. EBV DNA was detected in seven patients by Southern blot analysis (EBV Bam HI W probe, Bam HI). A germline configuration was found for the immunoglobulin heavy and light chain genes (JH probe, Bam HI and Eco RI; C kappa probe, Bam HI; and C lambda probe, Eco RI). T cell receptor gene rearrangements were detected with J gamma and J beta 1 + 2 probes. Using a J gamma probe with two different restriction enzymes (Bgl II and Eco RI), the blood from each patient showed several bands corresponding to the polyclonal pattern previously described in the blood of normal individuals. Using J beta 1 + 2 probes with two different restriction enzymes (Bgl II and Bam HI), each case showed from 3 to about 12 extragermline bands of varying intensity and in different locations from case to case. In addition, each case showed relative deletion of the J beta 1 germline band. This oligoclonal pattern of T cell receptor gene rearrangements has not been previously reported in benign or malignant T cell populations.