Inhibitors of Fibrinolysis Are Elevated in Atherosclerotic Plaque

Abstract The proteins of the fibrinolytic system have been examined in the human normal and atherosclerotic arterial wall by immunohistochemical techniques and by quantitative immunoassay of extracts. The concentration of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) increased significantly during the progression from normal vessels to fatty streaks to the developed atherosclerotic plaque. Staining for PAI-1 was strongly positive, particularly in the areas adjacent to the plaque. In these areas, PAI-1 appeared to be colocalized with its binding protein vitronectin. α 2 -Antiplasmin (α 2 -AP) was present in the aorta at even higher concentrations than PAI-1; a small but significant increase was seen in some atherosclerotic compared with normal vessel walls. Tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) showed the opposite trend, being lowest in lesions with plaque. Thus, higher concentrations of the two principal inhibitors of fibrinolysis, PAI-1 and α 2 -AP, together with lower levels of TPA, are characteristic of advanced atheromatous lesions. Alteration in the balance of the fibrinolytic system, favoring its inhibition, may predispose to the development or maintenance of atherosclerotic plaque.