Hyperfine interactions in cluster models of thePbdefect center

Hyperfine interactions in the Pb center (denoted schematically as Si3?Si) at the Si(111)/SiO2 interface have been studied with use of spin-polarized self-consistent multiple-scattering calculations on Si22 H21/Si6 O18 H6 and Si22 H27 cluster models. Our theoretical hyperfine tensor agrees very well with experiment when the trivalent atom Si’ is relaxed by a value typical of geometries found for the neutral paramagnetic charge state in semiempirical and ab initio cluster calculations. Spin-polarization effects are found to be very important for a detailed description of the Pb defect, particularly with respect to the hyperfine couplings at nuclei close to the defect atom. The largest such superhyperfine interaction is produced not by the nearest-neighbor atoms as has commonly been assumed, but by three second-nearest neighbors located below Si’ in the bulk c-Si. The isotropic and anisotropic superhyperfine components and the direction of the principal axes predicted by the present calculations have been confirmed by recent ESR experiments.