Metabolism of ethynodiol diacetate in the rhesus monkey before and after administration of rifampicin

1. On administration of a single oral dose of [4- 14C]ethynodiol diacetate (0·15 mg/kg) to rhesus monkey, plasma concn. of total 14C peaked after about 4 h. About 60% of the plasma radioactivity was present as glucuronide conjugates and no unchanged drug was detected. 2. Some 67 ±6% (mean ± S. D.) of the dose of 14C was excreted in 4 days, 50 ± 6% in urine and 18 ± 2% in faeces. Most of the urinary excretion occurred within 24 h of dosage. 3. Glucuronide conjugates accounted for 60% of the urinary 14C, and 46% of the faecal 14C was free steroids. 4. Norethisterone and its tetrahydro metabolites were identified in the free, glucuronide and sulphate fractions of plasma and urine. Keto-4,5-dihydronorethisterones and trihydroxy metabolites were identified in the conjugated fractions of urine, and a complex mixture of polar metabolites was detected in faeces. 5. Rifampicin treatment (7·5 mg/kg/day, orally) for 8 days decreased the half-life of total 14C in plasma following a single oral dose of 4-[14C]ethynodiol diacetate (0·15 mg/kg) from 44±4 to 24±2h. 6. Faecal elimination of total 14C was significantly increased to 29±5% of the dose following rifampicin treatment, but urinary excretion was unchanged. 7. Rifampicin treatment increased the amount of polar metabolites and decreased the amount of norethisterone in the free and conjugated fractions of plasma and urine. The amounts of sulphate and non-hydrolysed conjugates in faeces were increased after rifampicin treatment.