IgD allotypic determinants. I. Determinants expressed on murine IgD of the a allotype.

Allotypes of membrane IgD of 27 strains of mice were determined with a series of anti-delta reagents, each capable of binding to the IgD of BALB/c spleen cells. One of these reagents is a newly defined allospecific rabbit anti-mouse-delta a. Typing with these reagents reveals the strain distribution of the previously described IgD.36 (Ig5.1) and IgD.43 (Ig5.4) specificities and demonstrates the existence of a new specificity, IgD.45 (Ig5.5). The results confirm the previous subdivision of the Igh-Ce haplotype into Igh-Ce, to which A mice are assigned, and Igh-Cn, to which NZB and NZW mice are assigned. In addition, it is shown that the Igh-Cd haplotype must also be subdivided. AKR mice, which express the a allele at the Igh-5(delta) locus, are designated as possessing the Igh-Cd haplotype while AL/N and C.AL20 mice, which have the e allele at the Igh-5(delta) locus, are assigned a new Igh-C haplotype designation, o.