1. The intake of grazing wethers was estimated from the in vitro organic matter digestibility of herbage samples collected from sheep with oesophageal fistulae, and total faecal collections.2. Body water, estimated by isotope dilution, was used to estimate total body energy from estab-lished regressions relating body water to body composition.3. Total body energy was then related to live weight by regression analysis, giving a value of 2044 kcal. per lb. over the range 68-90 lb. empty body weight. From this it was estimated that 2.41 lb. D.O.M. was required per lb. live-weight gain within this range.4. Energy for maintenance was calculated by deducting D.O.M. required for gain from D.O.M. intake. These values were related to live weight by regression analysis to give a value of 1.31 lb. D.O.M./day for the maintenance of a 100 lb. sheep.