Hoare , D. S. (The University of Texas, Austin), and S. L. Hoare . Feedback regulation of arginine biosynthesis in blue-green algae and photosynthetic bacteria. J. Bacteriol. 92: 375–379. 1966.—A number of blue-green algae and photosynthetic bacteria synthesize arginine from glutamate via acetylated intermediates. Cell-free extracts of these photosynthetic microorganisms contain an N -acetyl glutamate phosphokinase, which is specifically inhibited by arginine. They also contain a transacetylase which forms ornithine from αN -acetyl ornithine and glutamate. The transacetylase appears to be specific for l -glutamate. Arginine synthesis and its regulation by feedback inhibition in photosynthetic microorganisms differ from that in Escherichia coli and other Enterobacteriaceae .

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