The Effect of Particle Size on the Toxicity of α-Naphthyl Thiourea (Antu) to Albino Rats

1. Particles of antu of 5 μ diameter were significantly less toxic to domestic rats than particles of 50–55 μ.2. In each of three bio-assays they were less toxic than particles of antu of 100–110 μ.3. It is concluded that the specification for antu for use in poison baits against R. norvegicus should not require it to be in the form of fine particles.This work was initiated at the suggestion of Dr E. E. Turtle of this Division, and his advice during its progress is gratefully acknowledged. Thanks are also due to Mr L. E. Hammond for much help in the preparation of the test doses, and to Dr H. Egan and Mr E. I. Johnson of the Government Chemist's staff who carried out a number of the many micro-weighings involved.