Incorporating Psychological Debriefing Techniques within a Brief Group Psychotherapy Programme for the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Background: The Royal Air Force Wroughton Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Rehabilitation Programme is described. It comprised a 12-day structured in-patient ‘course’ of group psychotherapy and day-case group follow-up sessions over a one-year period. Psychological debriefing was the main therapeutic technique employed.Method: This is a ‘before and after’ open outcome study. A comprehensive assessment protocol confirmed the presence and severity of PTSD and measured co-morbid psychopathological status, occupational and social function longitudinally.Results: A highly significant global response to treatment is demonstrated in the 34 subjects included in the study, with 85.3% not fulfilling the DSM–III–R criteria for PTSD at one year after treatment.Conclusions: Further controlled studies assessing the value of psychological debriefing techniques in the treatment of established PTSD are required.