Zur Frage der antibakteriellen Wirkung der Sulfonamide

The above synthetic substances are growth factors and antagonists to folic acid for S. faecalis R. but lose their growth-promoting activity after u.-v. irradiation or acid hydrolysis. In the course of bacterial folic acid synthesis 2-amino-6-hydroxy-pteridine aldehyde-8 may be formed as an intermediate but its 9-hydroxy derivative is more abundantly formed. Further synthetic studies undertaken on the basis of this working hypothesis indicated that 2-amino-6-hydroxybromomethylpteridine reacted with p-aminobenzoic acid or p-aminoebenzoylglutamic acid to form products which contained about 10% 9-hydroxypteroic acid or 9-hydroxy-pteroylglutamic acid. The pteridine aldehyde mentioned above is perhaps the intermediate precursor of folic acid synthesis and this proceeds by the way of the 9-hydroxypteridine derivative.

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