In vitro expression of two proteins from overlapping reading frames in a eukaryotic DNA sequence

The in vitro expression of two distinct proteins from overlapping reading frames in a sequence of rainbow trout genomic DNA has been demonstrated. In vitro transcription of DNA sequences, cloned in a plasmid under the control of Salmonella phage 6 polymerase promoter, led to the synthesis of two distinct and functional mRNAs corresponding to the protamine mRNA and also to another overlapping mRNA, termed Y. These mRNAs were translated in an mRNA-dependent rabbit reticulocyte lysate cell free system which synthesized the corresponding protein products. Similarities between the synthesized Pro-rich protein Y and three proline-rich proteins, the human salivary Pro-rich protein, the avian sarcoma virus protein P19 and themyc oncogene product, were evident and the significance of these findings is discussed. A synthetic oligonucleotide which is complementary to a sequence corresponding to a region of the Y protein mRNA, but upstream (5′) of the transcribed protamine mRNA, hybridized faintly and only to trout brain RNA. However, more sensitive primer extension studies utilizing the Y-specific oligonucleotide detected several Y-related mRNAs in trout brain.