Steroids and other lipids of pregnant goat's urine

Pregnant goat''s urine was hydrolyzed with acid, and the lipid material obtained was submitted to the fractionation procedures customary in the study of urinary steroids. Estrone (0.3 mg/l) and estradiol-17 (0.1 mg/l) were isolated from the phenolic fraction. Estradiol-17 could not be detected. The heterocyclic phenol equol (isoflavan-7:3 -diol) was also isolated (10-15 mg/1). 5-Pregnane-3:20 -diol (2 mg/1), the common "pregnanediol" of human pregnancy urine, was isolated from the neutral non-ketonic fraction. There was no evidence for the presence of any isomeric pregnanediols. The neutral non-volatile ketonic fraction was small (1 mg/l). EpiAndrosterone (3-hydroxy-5-androstan-17-one) was isolated from it in impure form. Three other -17-Oxo steroids were partially characterized. Much other volatile material giving a purple colour in the Zimmermann dinitrobenzene reaction was present. This "apparent 17-ketosteroid" material probably includes ionine derivatives Holtz, 1954). Species differences in urinary steroids are discussed.