A longitudinal study on hand and wrist skeletal maturation in chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ), with emphasis on growth in linear dimensions

Skeletal maturation in the chimpanzee hand and wrist (the RUS system; radius, ulna, and short bones) was studied both longitudinally and cross-sectionally. Maturity states were evaluated in each of the 13 bones of the RUS system based on the TW2 method (Tanner and Whitehouse method), and the RUS score was calculated by the summation of scores for these bones. Individual variation was examined by means of residual curves and pseudo-velocity curves of RUS score and anterior trunk length (ATL). Norms of the age change pattern in RUS skeletal maturation and the growth of ATL were determined for each sex, and the relationships among ATL growth and skeletal and reproductive maturation were examined. We found a fairly good relationship between ATL growth and RUS skeletal maturation. Comparison of growth and development between humans and chimpanzees showed that growth characteristics are coupled with each other at puberty in male chimpanzees and in both sexes of humans. Although nutritional condition influenced ATL growth in infancy, it had no effect on the RUS maturational process. Social relationships appeared to influence both ATL growth and RUS maturation. Analyses on relationships between RUS skeletal maturation, ATL growth, and reproductive maturation, showed that RUS skeletal maturation is a good indicator of "physiological age".