0.1- mu m-gate, ultrathin-film CMOS devices using SIMOX substrate with 80-nm-thick buried oxide layer

A 0.1- mu m-gate CMOS/SIMOX (separation by implanted oxygen) has been successfully fabricated using high quality SIMOX substrates and an advanced design concept for the subquarter-micron region based on a simple device model. In addition, both 85-nm-gate n- and p-MOSFETs/SIMOX with 8-nm-thick silicon active layer have been realized. High parasitic resistance in the source and drain regions of the 0.1- mu m-gate CMOS/SIMOX tends to increase the propagation delay time. However, 0.1- mu m-gate CMOS/SIMOX devices with a delay time as low as 10 ps can be obtained by reducing the parasitic resistance.<>