In order to investigate earlier observed salicylate‐induced fetal hemorrhage, sodium salicylate or dicumarol was given i.m. to A/Jax mice on the 17th gestation day. Prothrombin time was measured in the fetuses and the mother at autopsy at different times after injection. A decrease in the prothromth concentration was found in fetuses with salicylate‐induced hemorrhage after 4, 8 and 12 hrs, but not after 24 hrs. Fetuses wihout hemorrhages and the mothers in the salicylate group had the same prothrombin time as those in the control groups. Dicumarol lowered the prothrombin concentration in both the mother and fetuses, but did not cause visible hemorrhage. The possible correlation between salicylate‐induced hemorrhage and hypo‐prothrombinemia is briefly discussed.