Magneto-optical investigation of iron in InP, GaAs and GaP

The magneto-optical properties of Fe3+ have been measured in InP, GaAs and GaP. In these semiconductors both photoionization and excitonic transitions were detected and unambiguously assigned to the neutral charge state of the iron acceptor (A0:Fe3+:3d5). In all three crystals, many sharp lines were measured which had not been detected previously. They could be assigned to phonon replicas of the excitonic transitions. In addition, the magnetic circular dichroism of the optical absorption (MCDA) of semi-insulating InP:Fe samples revealed a hitherto unknown diamagnetic defect. The optical transitions of this defect are superimposed on those of Fe3+. Therefore, a reliable measurement of the Fe3+ concentration with conventional optical absorption is difficult. Fe3+ is distributed nearly homogeneously across a semi-insulating InP:Fe water. The optical detection of the electron spin resonance (ODESR) lines of Fe3+ in InP show an unusual intensity behaviour due to fast spin lattice relaxations connecting states with Delta ms=+or-2.