Prognostic Value of Semen Analyses in infertility Evaluation (Male fertility/Life-table analysis): Der prognostische Wert der Sperma-Analyse bei der Infertilitäts-Bewertung

The aim of the present study was to evaluate which of the various parameters of semen analysis that are most significantly related to the obtainment of pregnancy. A follow up questionnaire was sent to 1953 couples, who had been examined for infertility, and 1480 (76%) replied. We focused on 713 of these couples, in whom the female partner had a normal fertility set-up (potentially fertile). This study suggests that sperm vitality and sperm concentration bear the most significant relation to pregnancy. Evaluation of a couple''s fertility potential by means of the life-table method shows a gradual increase in the pregnancy rate of all couples, irrespective of semen quality, during a observation period of 10 years. The pregnancy rate after 5 years was 14% in a group with reduced semen quality and 44% in a group with normal semen quality.