Isospin violation in theC12(Li6,α)N14(2.31 MeV)reaction

The isospin violating reaction C12(Li6,α)N14(2.31 MeV) was investigated in the range of beam energies from 9.0 to 14.0 MeV. Excitation functions were measured for the ground state, 2.31-MeV state and 3.95-MeV state of N14 at 15°, 20°, 60°, and 160°. Excitation functions were taken at 40° for the ground state and 3.95-MeV states. Angular distributions were obtained at 10.5-, 11.25-, 12.5-, 13.75-, and 20.0-MeV beam energies. The cross section for the isospin forbidden reaction to the 2.31-MeV state is 0.4 to 1.8% of that to the allowed ground state and 3.95-MeV state in the beam energy range 9 to 14 MeV. At 20.0 MeV the yield to the forbidden state is only 0.02% of the allowed yield. Isospin mixing by the Coulomb force is believed responsible for the forbidden yield observed between 9-14 MeV.