Substrate-Deposition-Teiimperatijre Dependence of Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in (Fe/Pt) Compositionally-Modulated Films

A systematic study on magnetic properties of (Fc/Pt) compositionally-modulated films as a function of substrate-deposition-temperature has been carried out. For films with (2.5ÅFe/18ÅPt)×40, the intrinsic perpendicular magnetic anisotropy Kuis found to increase with decreasing temperature for all the sarmples deposited at temperatures from -114 °C to 220°C during deposition. The higher the substrate-deposition-temperature, the larger the Kuvalues become. This result implies a possible contribution from the magne to-elastic effect to the total anisotropy. However, a major part responsible for the perpendicular anisotropy may be found in other mechanisms. The saturation magnetization is found to exceed the value for pure Fe at temperatures lower than 180K.