We investigate the phase transitions of the frustrated XY model in the square lattice with frustration parameter f=1/2. The system has doubly degenerate ground states in addition to those associated with U(1) symmetry. We study the system via a high-precision Monte Carlo technique. It is found that the system has two separate transitions. At the lower temperature 0.440(2)J/kB, we find a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition with a larger-than-universal jump in the helicity modulus. The critical index η(TKT) of the spin-spin correlation function is 0.220(2), less than the universal value of 1/4. At higher temperature 0.454(2)J/kB, we find a second-order vortex-lattice melting transition with critical indices α=0.363(10), β=0.089(8), γ=1.448(24), and ν=0.813(5).