The yeast ILV2 gene encodes acetolactate synthase, the first enzyme in the biosynthesis of isoleucine and valine. Its multiple regulation has precluded the clear demonstration of whether ILV2 is under general amino acid control. Nonderepressible gen4 strains were used as recipients for transformation with a YCp plasmid carrying GCN4. Parental gen4 cells and their isogenic GCN4 transformants were evaluated for ALS derepression following induced amino acid starvation. GCN4 cells showed 1.5- to 17.7-fold derepression but no derepression was observed in isogenic control gen4 strains. A similar depression of ILV2 mRNA was also observed. Genetic evidence for general amino acid control was the gen4 suppression of high level resistance to sulfometuron methyl by the SMR1-410 allele of ILV2.