Magnetic and crystallographic data are reported on the systems {Y3-x Ca x }Fe5O12-x F x and {Y3-x Ca3x }Fe5-x M x O12-x F x , where M=Sb or V. A single phase can be obtained for x up to 0.56 in the system {Y3-x Ca x } Fe5O12-x F x , and for x up to 0.55, 0.50 in the system {Y3-3x Ca3x }Fe5-x M x O12-x F x for M=Sb and V, respectively. The spontaneous magnetic moments extrapolated to 0°K agree quantitatively with those calculated on the basis of the Néel model. From measurements of the Curie temperature, the magnitude of the Fe3+–F-–Fe3+ exchange interaction estimated from a modified molecular field theory is in fairly good agreement with that in FeF3. The ferrimagnetic resonance line width at X-band in the single phase region increases with F content, but the g-factor is almost constant.