Decays ofL=1mesons toγπ,γρ, andγγ

The importance is stressed of measuring the rate and angular distributions in f0γργπ+π. Predictions are made for this process on the basis of the single-quark-transition hypothesis in terms of the recently measured radiative widths Γ(Bγπ), Γ(A1,2±γπ±). Additional predictions, based on vector dominance and measured rates for pion emission, permit the conclusions that Γ(Bγπ)=184±30 keV, Γ(A1±γπ±)=11.6 MeV, Γ(A2±γπ±)=375±50 keV, and Γ(f0γρ)=1.35±0.2 MeV. About 10% of this last partial width occurs in M2 and 90% in E1 radiation. The relative sign of the M2 and E1 amplitudes is predicted and one way is shown to measure their ratio. Another application of vector dominance leads to the prediction Γ(f0γγ)=7.7±2 keV, dominantly in the helicity-2 channel. An intrinsic limitation of vector dominance for heavy-quark systems is noted.