Laparoscopic v Laparoscopy-Assisted Donor Nephrectomy in the Porcine Model

Purpose: Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy is an established procedure in the porcine model. We sought to compare intraoperative variables between live laparoscopic (LAP) and laparoscopy-assisted (LAP-A) donor nephrectomy. Materials and Methods: Eight domestic pigs underwent either traditional laparoscopic donor nephrectomy (N = 4) or laparoscopy-assisted donor nephrectomy (N = 4) using the Pneumosleeve™ followed by conventional heterotopic autotransplantation. Results: No significant differences were noted between the groups with regard to vessel length, ureteral length, or postoperative urine output. The operating room time was 108 ± 12 minutes in the LAP group v 75.8 ± 10.3 minutes in the LAP-A group (P = 0.0065). Although the difference was not statistically significant, warm ischemic time, tended to be lower in the LAP-A than the LAP group: 70 ± 3.0 seconds v 135 ± 57 seconds, respectively (P = 0.059). Graft survival was identical in the two groups. Conclusion: Laparoscopy-assisted (via Pneumos...