Wood anatomy of Corynocarpus laevigatus J.R. et G. Forst. is described. Growth rings are not evident. Vessels are solitary or in multiplee of 2–6. They are storied, and have simple perforation plates and fine spiral thickening. Intervascular pits are mainly alternate and angular. Pits leading to rays are infrequent but similar to intervascular pits. Axial parenchyma is abundant and storied. It occurs as discontinuous paratracheal bands, and also is vasicentric. Intercellular spaces are associated with paratrachea) bands. Each parenchyma strand consists of two cells but fusiform cells are common. Crystals are sparse or absent. Rays are noded, wide, and tall. They are heterogeneous with procumbent cells intermingled with upright and square cells. Uniseriate tails are mainly composed of 1–2 upright ells. Rays are mainly 6–23 cells wide. Uniseriate rays are rare or absent. Sheath ells are frequent. Crystals are present in ray parenchyma. Some crystal-hearing cells are enlarged. Fibres are chick to very thick-walled. They show an occasional tendency towards a storied arrangement. Simple to almost simple pits occur on tangential and radial walls.

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