A 16-bit LSI minicomputer

A 16-bit LSI minicomputer, using n-channel MOS technology, has been developed. The instruction set contains 126 instructions including floating-point arithmetic and is fully compatible with commercially available minicomputers such as the TOSBAC-40 and the Interdata 70. An execution speed of 2 /spl mu/s is obtained for register to register (RR) instructions. All the central processing unit (CPU) functions are implemented on a single board. An external microprogram ROM and short-single address microinstructions are used to realize high-system performance and reduce the chip area and the package pin numbers. Two LSI chips for the system, a single-chip processor, and a bit-sliced bus controller, are fabricated by a new n-channel MOS technology named the gate oxidation method (GOM) which provides a high-packing density, high speed, and a simplified process.

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