Male and female noninbred Sprague-Dawley rats 30-36 days of age were given single iv injections of 10 or 5 mg adriamycin (Ad)/kg or 10 mg daunomycin (DM)/kg. Multiple mammary tumors (MT). mostly adenocarcinomas. were observed in 29 and 67% of the females given 10 and 5 mg Ad/kg. respectively. and in 64% of those given 10 mg DM/kg. The mean induction time for females receiving 10 mg Ad/kg was 135 days. for those receiving 5 mg/kg it was 114 days. and for those receiving DM it was only 80 days. Single MT. also mostly adenocarcinomas. were observed an average of 279 days from injection in 31% of the males given 5 mg Ad/kg and an average of 91 days from injection in 37% of the males given 10 mg DM/kg. No tumors were observed in the males given 10 mg Ad/kg. but these survived for only 79 days after treatment.