Search forD0D¯0Mixing and Branching-Ratio Measurement in the DecayD0K+ππ0

We analyze 230.4fb1 of data collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e+e collider at SLAC to search for evidence of D0D¯0 mixing using regions of phase space in the decay D0K+ππ0. We measure the time-integrated mixing rate RM=(0.0230.014+0.018(stat.)±0.004(syst.))%, and RM<0.054% at the 95% confidence level, assuming CP invariance. The data are consistent with no mixing at the 4.5% confidence level. We also measure the branching ratio for D0K+ππ0 relative to D0Kπ+π0 to be (0.214±0.008(stat.)±0.008(syst.))%.