An Improved Method for the Determination of 1, 1 - Dimethyl Hydrazine in Apple and Cherry Products

A method, improved with respect to quantitation limit and sample output is described for determining 1,1-dimethylhydrazine in foods by gas chromatography of the pentafluorobenzamide. Recoveries from cherries and apples spiked at from 0.5–100 ppb averaged 84% and 82%, respectively, while apple juice yielded an average of 87% at 6 levels from 0.1–100ppb. A CV of 4.1% was observed from 11 replicates of apple juice spiked at 10 ppb and analysed over 3 days. The minimum detection limit was 0.04 ppb in apple juice and 0.20 ppb in apples or cherries. A survey of 55 commercial apple and cherry products showed the highest levels and incidence of occurrence in apple sauce and pie filling, with a mean residue of 31 ppb. The identity and amount found in selected samples was verified by mass spectrometry.

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