Radiative corrections to neutrino indices of refraction

Quantum loop corrections to coherent forward neutrino scattering and &, l=e,μ,τ are examined in the standard SU(2)L×U(1) model. For a neutral unpolarized medium with particle densities Ne=Np,Nn we find pv(nve-nve-nvμ) =-√2¯Gμ Ne[1+Omμ2/mw2)] and and .sp.5 pν( &)= Gμ / √2 3α / 2π sin2 thetaW mτ 2 / mW 2 [(Np+Nn)ln(mτ2/mw2)+(Np +2 /3 Nn)]. Implications of our results for neutrino matter oscillations and elastic scattering are briefly discussed.