Evidence forν¯μν¯eOscillations from the LSND Experiment at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility

A search for ν¯μν¯e oscillations has been conducted at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility by using ν¯μ from μ+ decay at rest. The ν¯e are detected via the reaction ν¯epe+n, correlated with a γ from npdγ ( 2.2MeV). The use of tight cuts to identify e+ events with correlated γ rays yields 22 events with e+ energy between 36 and 60MeV and only 4.6±0.6 background events. A fit to the e+ events between 20 and 60MeV yields a total excess of 51.019.5+20.2±8.0 events. If attributed to ν¯μν¯e oscillations, this corresponds to an oscillation probability of ( 0.31±0.12±0.05)%.
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