Application Rate and Timing of Acifluorfen, Bentazon, Chlorimuron, and Imazaquin

Data from field studies at Fayetteville, AR, were used to predict the herbicide rate needed to provide 70, 80, or 90% control of a weed based upon weed age. Reduced herbicide rates generally needed to be applied within 6 to 12 d after emergence to control weeds 90%. Reduced rates (280 g ai ha–1or less) of acifluorfen controlled hemp sesbania, smooth pigweed, Palmer amaranth, and pitted and entireleaf morningglory 90%. Bentazon at 350 to 650 g ai ha–1controlled common cocklebur and prickly sida 90%. Common cocklebur, smooth pigweed, and pitted morningglory were controlled 90% with chlorimuron at 2 to 5 g ai ha–1and imazaquin at 20 to 80 g ai ha–1. Prickly sida and hemp sesbania were controlled 90% with imazaquin at 70 g ha–1and chlorimuron at 6 g ha–1, respectively. Barnyardgrass, large crabgrass, red rice, and sicklepod were not controlled with reduced herbicide rates.