Efficacy of Imazaquin on Various Weed Species

Field and laboratory investigations were conducted from 1983 through 1985 to evaluate morphological and environmental influences on the performance of imazaquin on 26 weed species common to the Mississippi Delta. Imazaquin applied preplant incorporated or preemergence at 140 g ai ha–1controlled 16 species but controlled only five species at 140 g ha–1foliar applied. Contour graphs accurately predicted imazaquin postemergence rates necessary to control a given weed species at a given time after emergence. Imazaquin applied preemergence with a sequential postemergence application controlled entireleaf morningglory and sicklepod better than a single soil application. Imazaquin at 140 g ha–1applied preemergence required at least 50 mm of supplemental water following application to control sicklepod and was more phytotoxic to sicklepod grown at 25/10 C day/night temperatures than those grown at 32/22 C.